Provide food and water to hurting people in Uganda and Kenya

The pandemic has made food and water a challenge to obtain

Provide food  and water to hurting people in Uganda and Kenya image


raised towards $6,000 goal




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The pandemic has made food and water a challenge to obtain

The past two years have been a challenge due to the impact of a worldwide pandemic. This health condition has put burdens on everyone around the globe. Uganda and Kenya, where we have partners in ministry, have been ravished by the lockdowns and shutdowns. Not only have they had to close churches, schools, and businesses, all transportation has been stopped which eliminated the food supply to remote villages. On June 7, Uganda was locked down again for 42 days and Kenya is also considering another lock down.

Since July 2020 we have provided funds to our partners in Uganda and Kenya for them to distribute food to people who are in desperate need.

In addition to the food supply challenges, water has become a significant issue. Here is a message from Noah at Grace Community Center in Uganda:

As the situation is getting worse every day due to encreased death rate by Corona virus, it is becoming more hectic to find safe water in the community due to fact that even big gatherings on one well in 400mtrs in the community is now stopped by the GOVT. So we appeal to you again as GRACE COMMUNITY MINISTRY help us get a hand dug water facility to avoid fetching water as the government has stopped any communal services to stop the spread of the virus.