Support the Lord's mission to share His Word and love.  image

Support the Lord's mission to share His Word and love.

James 1:27: Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: visit orphans and widows in their distress, and keep oneself unstained by the world.

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justBible Ministries was founded in 2011, to fulfill the Lord God’s commands by making disciples and caring for those in need. justBible Ministries performs discipleship by offering Bible teaching Followship Symposiums. justBible Ministries cares for the needy through Projects which administrates donated funds to entities whose applications for assistance has been accepted by the Board of Directors.

During the challenging year of 2021 justBible Ministries shifted our focus towards providing food for those in Keyna and Uganda who have been drastically impacted by the governmental imposed lockdowns due to the pandemic. In addition, water wells were dug to provide local water so people would not have to illegally travel out of their district to obtain water. Also, a secure kitchen was built to protect form bandits who were stealing food in the community.

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